
Linda's avatar'

speaks: German

learns: French, English, Spanish, Portuguese (European), Italian, Swedish, Polish, Esperanto

likes: food, reading, cooking, language learning, health, sports, exercise, science, chemistry, daily life, nature, recommendations, multilingual book club 01, multilingual book club 02, multilingual book club 03, journaly updates

Linda's avatar'

Olá a todos! Chamo-me Linda e sou da Alemanha. Gosto muito de aprender línguas. Neste momento estou a aprender português de Portugal porque gostaria de saber como falar com os portugueses quando fazeria férias lá. Também gosto de fazer desporto, especialmente remar, correr e passear. Gosto muito da natureza, especialmente nesta estação (o outono). Tudo é colorido!

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Me gusta

Me gusta la naturaleza. Me gustan los ríos. Me gustan los barcos. Me gusta el movimiento en el agua. Me gusta remar. Me gusta la gente. Me gusta hablar. Me gusta compartir mi pasión. Me gusta remar
Feb 12 - 1 min. read

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Insert Suggestion

You might have noticed a new button in the comment box when writing an inline feedback comment: "Insert Suggestion" After clicking on "Insert Suggestion", the following will appear in the comment
Dec 29 - 1 min. read

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I got this beautiful book from my mom as last year's Christmas present. As she knows that I read books almost exclusively in foreign languages, she chose to buy it in English. The book was originally
Feb 3 - 1 min. read

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Aprender un idioma extranjero a través de otro idioma extranjero

¡Hola a todos! Hoy me gustaría escribir sobre mi aprendizaje del sueco. Hace algún tiempo oí hablar de un método que se llama language stacking. En principio, es un método para personas que aprenden
Jan 7 - 1 min. read

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Oh, diese Mercedes!

Vor zwei Jahren habe ich eine Geschichte von CocoPop aus dem Russischen ins Englische übersetzt. Da ich kein Russisch spreche, hatte ich den Text kurzerhand mit DeepL auf Deutsch übersetzt, um
Jan 28 - 2 min. read

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Oh, That Mercedes!

As the translation of the last text was so much fun, I decided to translate another text from Russian to English by way of German. Thanks a lot to CocoPop for coming up with this awesome idea and
Jan 8 - 2 min. read

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Dia Internacional em Memória das Vítimas do Holocausto

Ontem foi o Dia Internacional em Memória das Vítimas do Holocausto. Acho que é muito importante que o mundo todo se lembre do que aconteceu no regime nazi. A libertação do Campo de Concentração e
Jan 28 - 2 min. read

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How to Like in Other Languages?

Have you ever changed the language on Facebook? Facebook has so many bad sides, but they do provide a whole lot of translations of their user interface. The first time I changed the language on
Feb 8 - 2 min. read

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Canottaggio in autunno

Mi piace l'autunno. Mi piace come le foglie cambiano colore. Tutta la natura è colorata. Quando remo, sono in natura. Per questo mi piace remare. E il canottaggio in autunno è semplicemente
Oct 10 - 1 min. read

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O Melhor Desporto - O Remo

Demorei muitos anos a encontrar o desporto perfeito para mim. Nadei, fiz atletismo, remei, dancei, fiz pilates, fiz jogging e, por fim, remei novamente. Graças ao meu namorado, redescobri o remo para
Nov 3 - 1 min. read

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El día 13 de abril

El sol está muy fuerte, siento el sudor en la cara. Son las 9 de la mañana y ya hace casi 20 grados. Es muy raro porque solo estamos a mediados de abril, concretamente a 13 de abril. Estamos en el
Jan 22 - 1 min. read

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Writing Special Characters on Your Computer

When acquiring a new language, it almost always comes with some special characters which are not available on an English keyboard. Sometimes new languages even come with new alphabets (e.g. Russian,
Nov 30 - 5 min. read

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New Year's Resolutions for 2024

I wish all of you a Happy New Year! For me, 2023 was exhausting and beautiful at the same time. My husband and I renovated an apartment, went on several rowing trips, had the opportunity to host
Jan 2 - 1 min. read

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Dinner for One oder Der 90. Geburtstag

Jede Nation hat ihre Traditionen und wir Deutschen schauen an Silvester "Dinner for One" oder "Der 90. Geburtstag". Der 18-minütige Sketch, der 1963 vom Norddeutschen Rundfunk (einem deutschen
Dec 30 - 1 min. read

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Der Rutsch ins neue Jahr

Heute mal wieder ein Post in meiner Muttersprache. Ich finde es immer wieder interessant mit Menschen aus anderen Kulturen über Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zu reden und die deutsche Kultur zu
Dec 29 - 4 min. read

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A gente linda do mundo poliglota

A conferência poliglota em Budapeste acabou e estou a processar todas as impressões positivas que colhi durante estes dois dias intensivos de imersão, conversas profundas e os risos mulitilingues.
Oct 31 - 1 min. read

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Staying Alive

This is the third text I'm translating from Russian via German to English. You can find CocoPop's text here. The original text is written in the first person singular and as I want to stick with the
Jan 8 - 3 min. read

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Kein Komma vor "und"

Oder: Was man aus den Fehlern anderer lernen kann Der vermutlich häufigste Kommentar, den ich bei Korrekturen hier auf Journaly geschrieben habe, ist: „Kein Komma vor 'und' auf Deutsch". Nachdem dies
Jan 11 - 4 min. read

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La Fisica Che Ci Piace

Ragazzi, oggi ho trovato su Instagram una persona che parla di fisica in italiano! Che geniale! Si chiama Vincenzo Schettini ed è un fisico, un musicista, un curioso e un amante della vita. Lui ha
Mar 20 - 1 min. read

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Jeder, der sich schon mal sein eigenes Profil oder das eines anderen Journaly-Nutzers angeschaut hat, wird festgestellt haben, dass es verschiedene Abzeichen für verschiedene Errungenschaften gibt.
Dec 2 - 5 min. read

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