
Tomo's avatar'

speaks: Japanese

learns: English, Chinese (Simplified), Persian, Hokkien

likes: language learning, art, drawing, cinema, design, creativity, biology, cognitive science, language exchanges, fantasy, philosophy, culture, lifestyle, daily life, nature, animals, movies

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Hello, 你好, lí hó، سلام

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Three Little Monkeys Jumping On the Sofa

Yesterday, I allowed my son to invite his friend over to play at our house after school. His friend's younger brother tagged along as well. To be honest, I felt a bit regretful when I saw those three
May 10 - 1 min. read

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The Library

I visited the library next to the shopping mall under my condominium. I was pleasantly surprised by how big and nice it was. They have a wide selection of books not only in English but also Chinese,
May 9 - 1 min. read

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I received an email from Japan Post stating that a parcel could not be delivered due to an incorrect address. It says that I have to pay a 42566 yen fee and submit my correct address as soon as
May 4 - 1 min. read

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My Diary With ChatGPT

I asked chatGPT to check my English. I'll write down both the sentences I wrote and the sentences that chatGPT corrected. What do you think of the corrections that were made to it?
May 1 - 2 min. read

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Brave Butt

Yesterday I wrote that my elder son got sick. I thought he would get well soon after taking medicine, but his fever kept getting higher this morning. So my husband took him to see a doctor and
Apr 26 - 1 min. read

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The Elder Son

When I welcomed new baby to our family, everybody gave me the same advice that I should care for elder son as much as possible, give him more priority, and make him feel special. "What if your
Apr 25 - 1 min. read

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Strategy Meeting With My Son

In Japan, we start the new term in April. My son turned second grade in elementary school, and he just finished the first week. It was a tough week for both him and me. My son gets always grumpy
Apr 22 - 1 min. read

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Do Laundry While Demon Is Away

The title is a Japanese proverb which has an equivalent meaning of "While the cats away the mice will play". I always hurry to do laundry, wash dishes, clean the rooms up while my baby is sleeping.
Apr 21 - 1 min. read

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86 days old now!

My baby's now 2 and a half months <3 Do you have any cerebrations in your culture for a baby who turns into 100 days old? In Japan, we have "first meal ritual" in hopes for baby's healthy and
Apr 18 - 1 min. read

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Welcome To The Earth!!

I'm very happy to announce that I welcomed another baby boy to our family! He was born on 22nd Jan, which was Lunar New Year day (also known as Chinese New Year). In Japan, we don't usually
Feb 19 - 1 min. read

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Can't I have sweets anymore???

Now I'm 29th pregnant! Phew, my belly feels so heavy that it causes shortness of breath. I just feel very fat. It's not my first pregnant, as I have a 6 year old son, but I don't remember if it was
Nov 17 - 1 min. read

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Feeling Lazy All The Time

I have been super lazy lately... I have plenty of free time but I don't feel like doing anything. If I could put this time in on learning a language, my language level would get to the higher level,
Oct 13 - 1 min. read

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Do You Like Astrology?

I like astrology but I don't see eye to eye with people who like astrology. They tend to categorize people into characteristics of zodiac signs, not seeing others as they are. I admit that everybody
Oct 5 - 2 min. read

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شوهرم برمیگردد

دو شنبه‌ی گذشته شوهرم برای کار به تایلند رفته است. او قصد دارد فردا برگردد. چون معمولا شوهرم هر روز من و پسرم را بیدار می شود و صبحانه‌ی ما را آماده می کند، این هفته من باید خودم بدون او بیدار بشوم،
Sep 23 - 1 min. read

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Almost Forgot to Pick My Son Up...!

In my son's school, the 1st and 2nd grade students come back home earlier on Fridays. I usually wait for my son at the bus stop with other mommies, but because their kids are in higher grade, on
Sep 9 - 1 min. read

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★我把這篇貼文的內容翻譯成中文 我在大學同時上了幾個波斯語的課程。 這些課程都是為了初學者, 但是他們使用不同的方法。 其中一個使用伊朗小朋友在小學用的課本。 我就像小朋友學那樣練習字母跟拼寫。 課本的設計很可愛、 很彩色而且有很多插畫。 此外, 在課本的故事也好可愛。 雖然我很喜歡那種小朋友的書, 但是有些人可能會不喜歡,
Sep 8 - 1 min. read

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Several Approaches in Language Learning

When I was a university student, I took several Persian classes simultaneously. All for beginners but they took different approaches. One of them was using textbooks for children in primary school. I
Sep 8 - 1 min. read

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خواب مانده بودم!

جمعه گذشته من خواب مانده بودم. وقتی که پسرم بلند شد و توی اتاقم آمد من را بیدار کرد، اسمان از قبل روشن بود. متوجه شدم ساعت هفت بود که تا چند دقیقه دیگر اتوبوس مدرسه پسرم می رسید! با اینکه هرروز شوهرم
Sep 5 - 1 min. read

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زمان آزادی من

دیروز روز اول مدرسهء پسرم بود. بالاخره تعطیلات تابستان تمام شد. من خیلی خوشحال شدم و کلاس آنلاین زبان ها را رزرو کردم. می خواهستم در حالی که پسرم به مدرسه می رود دوباره یادگیری زبان ها را شروع کنم.
Aug 30 - 1 min. read

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Welcome Back Me-Time!

It's time to go back to school again! Not for me, but for my son. It's been a month, long enough for mummies to stay with kids. I'm tired and want to take a rest for a while, but I could spend good
Aug 28 - 1 min. read

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