Can't I have sweets anymore???

Can't I have sweets anymore???


daily life

Now I'm 29th pregnant! Phew, my belly feels so heavy that it causes shortness of breath. I just feel very fat. It's not my first pregnant, as I have a 6 year old son, but I don't remember if it was so hard to just sit still.

The day before yesterday I had to draw my blood 3 times to check my blood sugar level. I also had to have an overnight fast. Though my baby grows well now, the doctor pointed out that I seem to be a diabetic!!

It's called Gestational deabetes. I've heard 1 in 8 pregnant women would have this trouble during their pregnancy but it usually disappears after giving birth.

I have to go to see a speciallist next week. I suppose they would advise me to control my diet! So I'm going to consume my favorite fruits and snacks before restricted... :P (Bad patient!)