Do You Like Astrology?

Do You Like Astrology?



I like astrology but I don't see eye to eye with people who like astrology.

They tend to categorize people into characteristics of zodiac signs, not seeing others as they are. I admit that everybody has stereotypes or biases about other people, but do we confidently assume and tell others that "you must be like this" or "like that" even if we don't know them well? No, we don't. but they do. (Well, many astrology fans do. Not all of them.)

They strongly believe zodiac signs can tell ther TRUE SELF. What is true and what is not? I'm not going to mention about "confirmation bias", but they seem to focus on what they want to see. It's, frankly speaking, annoying. I don't like to be labeled.

Having said that, I also enjoy astrology.

To me, it's just one of the languages. It has vocabulary, grammar and connotations. I like to read horoscope (a diagram of the relative positions of planets and signs of the zodiac at a specific time) and translate it into my language. It tells me many stories. I just enjoy reading the stories that stars depict. Doesn't it sound romantic to learn the language described by the universe? The alphabet of their language is planets, its relative positions are like word order, zodiac signs are like adverbs or adjectives.

I'm not interested in categorizing people or predicting social trends. When I read someone's horoscope, which is considered that it shows one's personality traits and events in the future, I won't read it as "fortune telling" or her "true self". It's JUST a story. A special story, one and only for you, prepared by the universe when you were born.

I love reading stories. A story doesn't define or force you something to do. You can learn a lesson from the story if you want. It's your story written in the language of stars. Nothing more, nothing less.