Almost Forgot to Pick My Son Up...!

Almost Forgot to Pick My Son Up...!



In my son's school, the 1st and 2nd grade students come back home earlier on Fridays.

I usually wait for my son at the bus stop with other mommies, but because their kids are in higher grade, on Fridays my son is the only one who gets off the school bus at the pick-up point.

At 13:20, the alerm went off. (I set the alerm not to forget the pick-up time.)

So I prepared to leave house and checked the school timetable of this week. It says today's pick-up time is 12:20.

...Wait, what?! I was a bit panicked and hurried to the pick-up point. If it's correct, it means my son has been waiting for me alone for an hour!! But I also remembered the rule of the school bus; if the students' guardian didn't show up, they won't let him or her get off the bus.

At the pick-up point, there were nobody.

Then, where's my son? I couldn't remember the detailed rule. Perhaps those students have to get off at the next stop? Or they go back to the school again and wait for somebody to pick up?

Restlessly, I returned to my house and called the school office. The recepcionist told me the school bus will arrive at my pick-up point soon because the bus schedule is 13:20. It was already 13:30 but it's common for bus to be late. I hang up the phone and again, hurried to the pick-up point. Then, the bus came!

12:20 was the misprint of the timetable by the teacher. I was reliefed...