86 days old now!

86 days old now!


daily life

My baby's now 2 and a half months <3

Do you have any cerebrations in your culture for a baby who turns into 100 days old? In Japan, we have "first meal ritual" in hopes for baby's healthy and wealthy life that the baby never go without food throughout his life. It's funny that we prepare a gorgeous meals for a baby who is still not able to eat anything except milk. We also prepare some stones. ...No no, we don't eat stones XD It's called "toothing stones", which represents our wish for healthy growth of teeth.

When my bigger son was a baby, my mother prepared the "first meal" for him as I lived with my parents. Hmm... Should I cook by myself this time? Frankly, I'm really bad at cooking. I've heard some Japanese restaurant in Singapore also provide a course for "first meal ritual". Maybe we can held the ritual very simply at home or go to the restaurant.