Brave Butt

Brave Butt


daily life

Yesterday I wrote that my elder son got sick. I thought he would get well soon after taking medicine, but his fever kept getting higher this morning. So my husband took him to see a doctor and checked if he was covid or flu. Fortunately, the result of the tests were all negative. It was just a cold.

Because he couldn't swallow his fever-reducing syrop because it was too sweet, the doctor gave him suppositry. I noticed my son had the same situation last year. It was also in April.

This time he has to take two suppositry at once as he grew up. He sighed and said "Oh dear, my butt has to eat them again...!!", but this time he bravely show me his but. haha

Now he looks better. I hope he'll get well soon and can go to school tomorrow.

Headline image by kwook on Unsplash