My Son's Fever

My Son's Fever


daily life

Last night my son didn't look well. He said he was tired because he walked a lot with his daddy. That sounded strange to me because he walks over 20,000 steps (that my husband's pedeometer shows) every weekends.

Just as expected, he had a fever. Fortunately, the result of COVID self-test was negative, though he looked very sick. His fever got higher and he couldn't sleep well, so I decided to give him a fever reducing suppository. It really works, but he still remembered that he had had it long time before, when he was a little toddler, and he was very scared.

"Ohh... I have to eat it with my bottom..." He said with a trembling voice.

But he was not a crying baby anymore. Good job, he did it.

Thankfully, it brought his fever down a little, so he could sleep well. He was feeling better when he woke up this morning.