
Prisioner24601's avatar'

speaks: Spanish

learns: French, English, German, Arabic, Esperanto

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B2 Cambridge practice essay

It can be discussed that nowadays more people than ever are going to University to get a degree. It is a crucial decision in their lives, since this could bring them more work opportunities.
Jul 20 - 1 min. read

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B2 Cambridge email practice

Good afternoon Pierre. How are things? Sorry I couldn't respond this morning. My car broke down and I spent all morning trying to fix it. I'm so glad to hear that you decided to try climbing out. You
Jul 18 - 1 min. read

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B2 Cambridge essay practice

Keeping fit is essential in order to live healthly. Nowadays children spend less time outdoors and the importance of getting children interested in a healthy lifestyle is paramount. Having said that,
Jul 18 - 1 min. read

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B2 Cambridge essay practice

It can be said that children are losing interest in nature. Nowadays most of them prefer to be on the phone or play a videogame, as the use of modern technology is increasing. Having said that, which
Jul 16 - 1 min. read

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B2 Cambridge essay practice

It could be said that a year of travelling is one of the most beneficial things someone can do. Nonetheless, is it safe? Firstly, travelling opens the door to new cultures. It is a great opportunity
Jul 15 - 1 min. read

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B2 Cambridge email writing practice

Good morning Anna. How have you been? I'm doing great, thanks for asking. Sorry I couldn't respond yesterday, I had to hit the books. That project you are working on sounds really cool. Let me lend
Jul 14 - 1 min. read

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B2 Cambridge essay practice

It is argued that living in a village is comfortable. But only for children. They do not need much apart from school and family. But all aspects involved in this matter should be considered. The idea
Jul 13 - 1 min. read

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Salmorejo :وصفة طبق إسباني

المقادير: -زيت -كيلو طماطم -خبز( ٢٠٠ جارم) -فص ثوم -ملح -بيض مفروم -لحم جنزير مبشور كيف اعد الsalmorejo: ١) اغسيلوا الطماطم وافرومواها. اضيفواها في وعاء كبير وتمزقوا مع الخلاط. ٢) افروموا الخبز ال
Apr 10 - 1 min. read

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A ver qué pasa

C'est une traduction d'une chanson en espagnol. Voici la traduction en anglais et la chanson si vous l'avez besoin: Dès le
Apr 6 - 1 min. read

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Ich muss Katalanish lernen

Ich denke ich muss Katalanish lernen nun. Meine Mutter geht nach Palma de Mallorca und sie wird dort für ein paar Monaten bleiben. Sie sagte mir, ich könnte dort Arbeiten. Sie sagte ich könnte als
Apr 5 - 1 min. read

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Ma routine d'apprentissage des langues

J’ai noté quelques objectifs pour chaque jour. Maintenant, j’apprends l’arabe, l’allemand, le français et l'espéranto. Je parle aussi de l’anglais, mais je ne l'étudie pas pour le moment. Le matin,
Mar 26 - 1 min. read

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I write my notes in my target language

For the last two months I've been writing my notes in Arabic, and it was definitely a great idea. I replace the words of my mother tongue with the ones I already know in Arabic. I also write the ones
Dec 12 - 1 min. read

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Meine erste Worte in Deutsch

Hallo! Ich heiße Elena und bin Spanierin. Ich Wohne in Andalucía. Ich bin 22 (zweiundzwanzig) Jahre alt. Ich studiere Kunst und Sprachen. Meine Muttersprache ist Spanisch, aber Ich spreche auch
Dec 8 - 1 min. read

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La ville des enfants

La dernière semaine je suis allée au parc où je jouais quand j'étais un enfant. Il s'appelle La ville des enfants. Je devais prendre des douze photos pour le cours de photographie. C'était bien d'y
Nov 1 - 1 min. read

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Le campagnol des nieges

Je dois faire une illustration infographique pour le cours (J'étudie illustration). Il dois être sur un animal en voie de disparation et j'ai choisi le campagnol des neiges. Je l'ai choisi parce
Oct 17 - 1 min. read

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Language Learning tag

1) What do you consider to be your native language? Spanish. It's the only language in which my parents talked to me. 2) What was your first language learning experience? I have no idea but it was
Oct 2 - 2 min. read

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My relationship with French

I had a strange relationship with French. At ten years old I went to a new school and this school had French as a compulsory subject. My former school didn't teach French so when I went to class I
Sep 15 - 2 min. read

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Esperanta enhavo

Mi volas kunhavi miajn plejn sxatatajn espetantajn enhavojn, do cxiu povas gxui gxin. Muziko: https://open.spotify
Sep 13 - 1 min. read

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Ma nouvelle routine

Je suis étudiante d'Ilustration et j'étudie l'arabe, l'esperanto et le français pour moi même. Cette année, j'ai fait un horarie pour apprendre des langues pendant j'étude et je veux le partager avec
Sep 9 - 2 min. read

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Sur l'aprentissage de plusieurs langues

Pour le moment, j'étude quatre langues, l'arabe, l'esperanto, l'anglais et le français. Pendant le temp, j'ai me rendu compte que je ne dois les étudier dans la même mesure. Si je lis un livre en
Aug 28 - 1 min. read

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