Language Learning tag

Language Learning tag


language learning
daily life

1) What do you consider to be your native language?

Spanish. It's the only language in which my parents talked to me.

2) What was your first language learning experience?

I have no idea but it was definitely with English. I started learning English at 4 or 5 years old so I think it was my first English class.

3) What languages have you studied and why did you start them?

English>compulsory subject in school and high school

French>compulsory subject in school and high school

Arabic>compulsory subject in college

Esperanto> I think it's a really interesting language, and its amazing how fast I became fluent.

German> I love how it sounds

4) How does your personality affect how you learn languages?

I don't think languages change my personality. Every language has different slang, entonation, and rhythm. I don't think I change in anything else than that.

5) Do you prefer learning languages in a class or individually?

Individually. I had bad experiences in classes. Mean classmates and teachers.

6) What are your favourite language learning materials?

Music, reading, and journaling

7) How much time do you spend actively learning per day/week?

I think one hour per day. My level in French English and Esperanto are high enough to just learn them by reading, and listening, although I sometimes study them using textbooks. I try to study Arabic every two days, but it is hard to combine it with my studies. I normally do one hour of studing Arabic per day. I started German five days ago and I haven't started learning it actively yet, just by using duolingo. I'll study it next holidays, when I have more time.

8) What are your short term and long term language learning goals?

I try to interact with all my target languages everyday. If it is five minutes of conversation or one hour of studying, I don't care. I want to practice them everyday. There are some days in which I'm sick or too busy and I barely touch languages but that's okey. I keep a tracker for this, I use a color code:

Esperanto - green

English - blue

French - orange

Arabic - purple

German - yellow

Recently I noticed that I can read books in French without translating many words. My long term goal is to be able to read a book.

9) What is your favourite language?

I can't choose. I love them all.

10) What is the next language you want to learn?

I want to learn Russian, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, and Greek. I love languages with own scripts.

11) What advice can you give to new language learners?

Don't review your notes all the time. It is easier and more effective if you read and listen to the language instead, because words are constantly poping in your head.