B2 Cambridge email writing practice

B2 Cambridge email writing practice


daily life

Good morning Anna.

How have you been? I'm doing great, thanks for asking. Sorry I couldn't respond yesterday, I had to hit the books. That project you are working on sounds really cool. Let me lend you a hand.

On weekends, most people spend their time with friends and family. One great option is going to the cinema, especially in summer, its really hot and cinemas have always the air-conditioning on. Another option is hanging out in the park. On days in which temperature is more bearable of course. People use to have picnics there, walk their dogs and spend time with friends and family in general.

You also wondered about leisure activities. Well, skating is pretty common lately. There's even a stake park next to the market. Skating has become a pretty popular activity recently. Playing football is also quite popular. Children meet in parks and play all day.

That's all, I hope this helps you. We should hang out sometime. Drop me a line as soon as you are finished with your project.

Best Wishes,
