B2 Cambridge essay practice

B2 Cambridge essay practice


daily life

Keeping fit is essential in order to live healthly. Nowadays children spend less time outdoors and the importance of getting children interested in a healthy lifestyle is paramount. Having said that, which of the following are the best ways to encourage children to exercise more? Education programs, sport or playgrounds?

Firstlly, we should consider sport it self. Playing sport regularly is one of the easiest ways in which children can keep in shape. In addition, it could get them interested in playing profesionally in the future.

Not only sports are beneficial for children, but also parks and playgrounds. They can excercise and play with other children along the way.

However, education programs might not be the best way, as some children could look at sports as a mandatory task. It is important to make it fun.

In conclusion, even though education programs can do their best to get children interested in excercise, they may see it as mandatory and lose interest. By contrast, sports and playgrounds provide children with fun making it more appealing to them. Therefore I consider them to be the best ways.