B2 Cambridge essay practice

B2 Cambridge essay practice


language exchanges
daily life

It could be said that a year of travelling is one of the most beneficial things someone can do. Nonetheless, is it safe?

Firstly, travelling opens the door to new cultures. It is a great opportunity to discover new traditions and places as well as meeting new people.

Not only it is a good way to become more open-minded, but also to get a fantastic language learning experience. Travelling allows us to make new friends hence getting the chance to have some language enchange.

However, in spite of the adove, we should consider the possible risks that come with travelling. For instance, robbery, as some countries have high crime rates.

To conclude, although there is a possibility that we undergo robbery while travelling, I think it is worth the risk. Learning a new language is one of the best experiences you can get, in the same way as meeting people and visiting new places.