B2 Cambridge essay practice

B2 Cambridge essay practice


language learning
daily life

It is argued that living in a village is comfortable. But only for children. They do not need much apart from school and family. But all aspects involved in this matter should be considered.

The idea of living in a village sounds easy, but only from the point of view of a child. Having this in mind, one of the main pros of village life is that children primarily need school and family. Since villages are smaller in comparison to cities, it is not hard to find schools.

Nonetheless the problem rises when the child grows up. Colleges are not that common. If they want to study law, they must move to cities to receive education.

They do not only leave for this reason, but also for job opportunities. It is easy to find a job as a waiter in a village. However, finding a job as a lawyer might be more difficult.

In conclusion, village life is great for children because family and school is all they need. The problem appears after school. Eventually, they will have leave their village to study and to find a proper job.