B2 Cambridge practice essay

B2 Cambridge practice essay



It can be discussed that nowadays more people than ever are going to University to get a degree. It is a crucial decision in their lives, since this could bring them more work opportunities. Nonetheless should this be the only aspect to be considered when going to University?

Firstly, we should consider job prospects. It depends on the sector you aim to work in. Some professions require a degree in order to be hired by companies, such as surgeons. However, there are other jobs, in which you do not need a degree. Marketing for instance.

Not only should job prospects be considered but also financial support. Degrees are really expensive, hence why people must be sure about going to University.

Nonetheless, in spite of the above, there is a much important point to consider. People should ask themselves if studying a degree is what they really want and if it is necessary.

In conclusion, studying a degree is expensive and it takes years to finish it. Having this in mind, I think that people should reflect on what they really want first, as some jobs do not need a degree.