
Maruko's avatar'

speaks: Japanese

learns: English

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Speaking to AI Chatbots

Recently one of my Japanese friends told me she has started speaking to an AI chatbot in Japanese. I don’t see any benefit from her doing so since she’s plenty of Japanese friends to talk with in
Apr 25 - 1 min. read

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My Three-Year-Old Son

My three-year-old son likes to play a guessing game about which Pokémon character he is. So I need to guess what kind of a Pokémon character he is as we are playing. This time, he picked a character
Apr 25 - 1 min. read

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Green Bananas

Traditionally in Japan, we call a “green” traffic light “blue.” Same thing is true for the saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” In Japanese, “green” literally
Mar 5 - 2 min. read

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“What are you going to give me?!”

While my three-year-old son was taking a nap, he started to talk in his dream, “Noooo, I want that! I want that!!” He sounded very flustered and was almost crying, so I imagined in his dream he was
Jan 29 - 1 min. read

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My three-year-old son

One of my neighbors has three children and my daughter likes playing with her oldest daughter. My son likes playing with her son. While my daughter is at school, we often have a play date with the
Jan 12 - 1 min. read

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A different perspective

It was raining the other day. It wasn’t so bad in the morning but there were times when it was pouring rain. To start with, I don’t like driving in general, especially when it’s raining. So I don’t,
Dec 23 - 1 min. read

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Next month to December

(Next month to December) My six-year-old daughter and three-year-old son are looking forward to Christmas! My son keeps asking me when Santa is coming. My daughter understands Santa is coming on the
Dec 2 - 1 min. read

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42 Days

There are 42 days left in this year including today! (In my part of the world) I kind of set my goals for the rest of this year recently, separate from my New Year’s resolutions. It’s not because
Nov 21 - 2 min. read

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9 PM

Recently, I’ve come to re-realize how important sleep is. Well, there’s probably no need to mention it since most of us know how lack of sleep affects our quality of lives. I thought I understood its
Nov 10 - 3 min. read

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Who is A Baby?

When I pick my daughter up from school, she and my three-year-old son often argue with each other over nothing. Most of the time she is tired after school. Or she could simply have had a bad day or
Oct 27 - 1 min. read

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Yesterday’s Tomorrow

When I talk with my kids I sometimes feel puzzled. (My kids are bilingual but only speak in Japanese with me) At times I feel their Japanese intertwines with English and that’s when it begins to
Oct 24 - 1 min. read

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Is It A Rock Or…?

This morning, my three-year-old son and I took a walk to the small beach near our house. He ran as I chased him around the beach. (That’s what he wanted me to do as always.) He stopped running and
Oct 20 - 1 min. read

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A Language Exchange

The other day, a friend of mine and I set up an online language exchange for our daughters. Her daughter is a couple of years older than my daughter, who speaks Japanese and English. She lives in
Oct 17 - 2 min. read

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My Daughter and Her Story (TaroTaro)

My six-year-old daughter recently has started writing stories down in a journal on her own instead of improvising stories with me as we’re playing roles in them. I love her stories very much.
Oct 12 - 1 min. read

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Karate Lessons

Yesterday was a very busy day, but fun. On the way to my daughter's karate lesson in the evening, my husband was driving and the kids were in the back seat. My son said he would go to the park with
Oct 8 - 1 min. read

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On The Day vs Three Years & My Sister-in-law

I texted my brother telling him that I bought a new car. He replied to me saying he also bought a new car, but he had to wait for three years! He said, “I’ve been waiting for a year now so another
Oct 6 - 2 min. read

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At The Dealership & About Happiness

Friday morning, my car broke down again! Well, it’s not broken but the battery was dead and the engine wouldn’t start. We had the same issue a few months ago and we got a new battery. So something
Oct 3 - 3 min. read

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A Dialogue Over Dinner

My three year-old son and six year-old daughter were talking over dinner. I jumped in from time to time and tried to engage in listening to their conversation. S: What do zombies eat? D: Mom, do
Sep 29 - 1 min. read

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What A Naughty Boy…

The other day, my husband was cleaning the kitchen. He had asked me to throw away a paper towel that was on the kitchen counter, which I sometimes leave thinking I’ll use it again later and then
Sep 26 - 1 min. read

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The Pot Calling the Kettle Black?

The other day, I asked my husband to check my English (I usually don’t ask, but sometimes I do, such as before emailing something important or when I’m very tired and I don’t think I was able to
Sep 20 - 2 min. read

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