A Dialogue Over Dinner

A Dialogue Over Dinner


My three year-old son and six year-old daughter were talking over dinner. I jumped in from time to time and tried to engage in listening to their conversation.

S: What do zombies eat?

D: Mom, do zombies eat strangers?

M: I think so…well, technically they may not eat but rather kill anyone, I guess.

S: Why?

D: Because they’re dead!

S: What is being dead?

M: Well…when you’re dead, you don’t breathe, you don’t move and you don’t feel anything. Your soul has left your body…something like that.

S: Hmmm. What does a skeleton eat?

D: Nothing! 

S: Why?

D: Because, if they eat, the food falls down to the ground since they don’t have a stomach!

I started giggling.

D: A turtle eats fish, jellyfish and seaweed and…moon

S: What does a panda eat?

M: What did you say? Moon?

D: No, seaweed.

S: Does a panda eat seaweed?

D: No, a panda only eats Sasa, bamboo leaves, not seaweed!

S: A rabbit eats carrots, right?

D: Yes, and rabbit food.

S: What does a zebra eat? Do they eat deer?

M: Hahaha!

The End