On The Day vs Three Years & My Sister-in-law

On The Day vs Three Years & My Sister-in-law


daily life

I texted my brother telling him that I bought a new car. He replied to me saying he also bought a new car, but he had to wait for three years! He said, “I’ve been waiting for a year now so another two years to go.” I can’t believe there’s someone who is willing to wait for three years to buy a car! I told him that we bought a car last Friday and drove the car to back home on that very day. He said that he couldn’t believe that! It’s impossible in Japan. I told a friend of mine who works for a car company about this. He told me that there’s a difference between in Japan and in the US when they sell new cars. In Japan, first they take orders then deliver a car. Here in the US or at least in my area, there are brand new cars sitting in the parking lots exposed to the rain at the dealership and you can either pick a car among them or place an order. 

According to my brother, he was lucky to place an order for the car. The type of the car he ordered is a very popular Honda Civic but the dealership had already stopped taking orders. I don’t understand what’s so good about the car, but my husband said it is a nice car. My husband also said, “He’s such a lucky guy.” I thought he was talking about my brother having been able to buy the car, even though he hasn’t gotten it yet. He continued, “Because he has such a nice wife who lets him buy it.”

Well, in my opinion, his wife is super good at manipulating her husband, in a good way. My brother used to be a heavy smoker and I hated that. No matter what I did or told him, he would not quit smoking. When we lived at our parents’ house he did not wash dishes at all, the only thing he would do on a whim every once in a while was give us a ride to the nearest train station. But after he got married, I’ve noticed dramatic changes in him over the years. First of all, he quit smoking. I guess it’s not that easy. Secondly, when I visited him and his family at their house he not only did the dishes but also cooked meals, cleaned the house, and did laundry while taking care of the kids! His wife is not like anyone who nags at you. She’s calm, very quiet, that kind of person. I wonder how she could make him want to change himself. Is that love? Anyway, she is amazing!