Who is A Baby?

Who is A Baby?


daily life

When I pick my daughter up from school, she and my three-year-old son often argue with each other over nothing. Most of the time she is tired after school. Or she could simply have had a bad day or something like that. I understand why my daughter is so being unreasonable and in a bad mood, though it’s still hard on me. My son, of course, doesn’t know why his sister is being so extra mean or he may be too young to recognize what’s going on. About half the time she picks a fight, he accepts her challenge. The other day, they were arguing about which one is a baby. I didn’t get to hear how they started this argument. When I did start to hear what was said, my daughter was saying to her brother, “You’re just a baby!” Then my son said, “You’re the baby!” She started whining and said, “Nooooo! I’m not a baby!!!” He said, “You’re the baby because you’re crying.” She said, “Stop! I’m not a baby, you’re the baby!” and started crying.

That was funny because my son sounded  more rational and my daughter’s behavior was exactly like that of a baby’s! Her defense was, “Just because I cry often doesn’t mean I’m a baby.”  Ha ha…