What A Naughty Boy…

What A Naughty Boy…


daily life

The other day, my husband was cleaning the kitchen. He had asked me to throw away a paper towel that was on the kitchen counter, which I sometimes leave thinking I’ll use it again later and then forget. It was just before bed, so I wasn’t thinking much and grabbed it to throw it away. It took me a second look but after I picked it up, I noticed there was a dead cockroach underneath the paper towel! It scared the daylights out of me! I hate cockroaches! Of course my husband knows it and did it on purpose! I screamed and yelled at him, “You’re worse than a 15-year-old boy!” (I used to teach high school students in Japan, so I know what they’re like.) Then my husband was like, “I didn’t know there was a cockroach there, hahaha. ”Then he said, “You’re worse than a six-year-old girl! I know it!” Our daughter is six years old. I was still mad but started laughing anyway…ha ha. A while ago, yes, I acted like a child to my husband so this is like his revenge…he won this time!