The Pot Calling the Kettle Black?

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black?


The other day, I asked my husband to check my English (I usually don’t ask, but sometimes I do, such as before emailing something important or when I’m very tired and I don’t think I was able to write a coherent sentence in English.) I just wanted to see if I could get my point across in the email and not be unintentionally rude. Asking someone to check my emails/sentences is not unique to English, though. I sometimes ask my friends to check my sentences in Japanese, too. (Not my husband)

As is often the case with me, whatever I write tends to have long introductions!

Anyway, when I asked him to read my letter, he said that I should save it for ten years then look back on over it and make corrections myself. He thinks it’s a good idea for me to recognize my improvement over ten years. But I told him that that’s too long; I couldn’t wait ten years! My husband put his foot in his mouth and he said, “I know, you can’t wait even ten seconds!” I couldn’t help but laugh! There’s some truth to it, ha ha.

Also, yesterday, while we were headed to my daughter’s karate dojo, my husband said, “Wait until you see this house that my oldest brother is going to make an offer on.” I was like, “What house?” He said, “I said WAIT until you see this house.” I asked, “So, what house? You said THIS house. What does THIS indicate?” assuming I’ve seen the house. “Is that the house the owner can’t clear the title yet or the one on Great Avenue?” He said, “Be patient, please. I said WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE!” Finally at this point, I got what he was saying. My husband continued, “Your patience doesn’t last ten seconds!” I said, “Funny, my patience can last as long as somebody’s attention span!” My husband started laughing and said, “Well, it all depends on who I’m talking with. If you’re talking, it’s like it takes forever to get to the point.” I burst into laughter, too.

Looks like the same thing is true with my compositions, ha ha…