42 Days

42 Days


language learning
daily life

There are 42 days left in this year including today! (In my part of the world)

I kind of set my goals for the rest of this year recently, separate from my New Year’s resolutions. It’s not because I’ve already accomplished my goals at all. I just don’t even remember what some of them are…I probably wrote them down somewhere, but I can’t find them. Haha. So instead of waiting until the new year, I set some small goals for the rest of this year. I want to make these goals as practical and achievable as possible, unlike the ones I’ve forgotten, so I roughly figured out the amount I’m supposed to carry out and divided it by the number of the days left this year.

Anyway, one of them is to finish a book I’ve been reading on and off for about a year. It’s a library book, so I have to return it once in a while. I can check it out for three weeks at a time and then if no one puts it on hold, I can extend for another three weeks and then another three weeks after that. So if I’m lucky, I can keep it for nine weeks straight, which is more than two months! But I’m often distracted by other things such as watching sitcoms and/or reading mangas.

As a result of my inability to commit to finishing it, I’ve read only one third of the book. If I want to finish reading it by the end of this year, I’ll need to read five pages a day. That doesn’t sound too bad and I’m sure I can find some time to read. The thing is, I had to return the book today and for the next three days, I won’t be able to check out the same book. Well, that’s ok. I’ve checked out some other books that I’ve had to return in the middle of reading. I’m enjoying reading one of them.

I set a couple of other goals, but I’m still not sure if I’ll be able to achieve them. I’ll try to make them more practical one way or another.