A different perspective

A different perspective


daily life

It was raining the other day. It wasn’t so bad in the morning but there were times when it was pouring rain. To start with, I don’t like driving in general, especially when it’s raining. So I don’t, unless I need to, such as driving my daughter to school. I also don’t drive at night because I feel like driving becomes more difficult in the dark. 

This morning, my husband offered to drop me off at a cafe so that I could have a little break. He got ready quickly and wanted to head out of the house as soon as possible but as usual I was distracted by many things, mainly by the kids. (At least that’s my story) At one point, I started reading my old diary wondering whether or not I should bring it with me. My husband caught me and said, “You can read that at the cafe! You can do whatever you want over there. Or would you like me to make a cup of coffee and sit here?” I said, “Well, that doesn’t sound bad because you don’t have to drive in rain, right? I can enjoy myself at home, too and there’s no need to worry about driving.” My husband said, “This much rain is nothing! You should see when there is a snowstorm and you can’t see 40 feet in front of you, that’s when you should start worrying. This rain is like a free car wash. That’s what it is!”

I had a good laugh at his view point of driving in the rain. We ended up receiving a free car wash and I enjoyed myself at the cafe.