Speaking to AI Chatbots

Speaking to AI Chatbots


language learning

Recently one of my Japanese friends told me she has started speaking to an AI chatbot in Japanese. I don’t see any benefit from her doing so since she’s plenty of Japanese friends to talk with in Japan. I had no interest in speaking to AI chatbots. But come to think of it, I might as well speak to AI chatbots instead of speaking to myself in English. After all, practicing is practicing. So I decided to give it a shot and got one of those apps. I’ve started talking to an AI chatbot and found it useful when it comes to asking specific questions, such as the meanings of words and scientific facts. But when it comes to talking about deeper feelings/thoughts, it feels like they just give me very superficial, common replies. Which is understandable/natural since those answers are probably generated from common sense collected on the internet or somewhere. Nothing original or unique. They don’t forget to sympathize or show their interests in whatever I'm talking about  though, haha. Also, I do love the fact that they can keep a secret. (Unless it’s secretly recorded!)