
Agnes's avatar'

speaks: French

learns: English, Spanish

likes: art, design, architecture, creativity, cognitive science

Agnes's avatar'

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About Hercule Poirot

(The text is a trial of translation of the article from Wikipedia) Hercule Poirot is a Belgian fictional detective created by the English writer Agatha Christie. Along with Miss Marple, he is one of
Jan 15 - 1 min. read

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Head in The Air

I am currently reading a book entitled "tête en l'air" (Head In The Air) by a French writer from Paris, Richard Gaitet. Richard Gaitet went to see the Guérin publishing house for a book project and
May 19 - 1 min. read

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Conquering Meaning

We are going through a crisis of meaning. According to Julie De Funès, a french philosopher, there are two important reasons for this. On the one hand, transcendences have collapsed. What she means
Mar 29 - 1 min. read

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what about choosing life?

Ogg Lindsley, one of the founders of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) proposed in the 50s, "the rule of the dead man". Do you know it? For those who are not familiar with it, here is a summary: "If
Mar 28 - 1 min. read

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Journal club prompt 16/12/21

How do you usually feel when unexpected things happen? Is it exciting, stressful, or both? I think excitement is another kind of stress so unexpected things always bring stress. Maybe serenity and
Dec 16 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/13

Monday's here -- and with it, the start of a new week! Do you like to plan your week, or do you prefer to be spontaneous? - Both. I try to follow my routines, though I have an efficient structure
Dec 14 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/11: "Ready, set, go!"

How do you usually get around your town -- by bus, by car, on foot, or something else? I usually get around on foot. I used to ride my motorbike when I was living in Brussels. I had good memories of
Dec 13 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/10: "Where do you go on the weekends?" feat arka

Tomorrow, it's the weekend! Since I had a motorbike accident, I am afraid to drive, even a car. So I take driving lessons on Sundays with a very brave friend of mine, a daredevil. When torture ends,
Dec 11 - 1 min. read

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Adventure - during the night of the 14th of February, last year. Nothing to do with Valentine's day, or a love affair, or even, a sensual experience. No... just my first English word in a dream. ---
Dec 10 - 4 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/8: "Today I learned…" feat Arka

What did you learn recently that really surprised you? When/where did you learn it, and what event or person taught you? - I learned many useful practical things. I know now perfectly how a toilet
Dec 8 - 2 min. read

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A magical woman and her house

Today, I would like to write about a video that I've seen yesterday. It concerns a small report about a self-built house in cob by a woman. I like particularly this video because I find the owner as
Dec 7 - 1 min. read

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Why french people suck at speaking English ?

I'll sign up for an English learning challenge recently. And several times, students or teachers speak on french people. French people suck at English. ok. French people don't like americans. Are you
Feb 10 - 4 min. read

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The Odyssey of Agnès

-" You have to introduce yourself, my little chick" -" But I don't know what to tell them " -" Keep it simple, stop doing in the complexity" -" Yeah... don't you think it's only simple spirits for
Feb 9 - 1 min. read

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