Journal club prompt 16/12/21

Journal club prompt 16/12/21


journaly updates

How do you usually feel when unexpected things happen? Is it exciting, stressful, or both?

I think excitement is another kind of stress so unexpected things always bring stress. Maybe serenity and unexpected things don't go together and joy is more about contentment and routines. Nevertheless, unexpected things are a good thing to avoid boring and to discover many aspects of life.

Think about a recent time where your plans really did not go as expected. What did you plan for, and what actually happened instead? I bought a car when the first lockdown arrived. So, instead of going to my friends, I signed up on a learning languages platform. 90 lessons for three months and here I am.

What do you do when you can't stick to your usual study plan? Do you have an easy/fun activity that you can "sneak in" to stay in touch with your language? What is that activity?

If I can't stick to my usual plan, I stay in touch watching tv- movies in the evening. Or I let it go.