Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/13

Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/13


journaly updates

Monday's here -- and with it, the start of a new week!

Do you like to plan your week, or do you prefer to be spontaneous?

- Both. I try to follow my routines, though I have an efficient structure that allows me to be spontaneous within available time slots. I try to make "time" a friend, and not an ennemy: positive anticipation, time slots for efficiency, and time slots for " dolce vita".

What's something you're looking forward to doing this week?

- My printer has just collapsed. And thanks to planned obsolescence (it's irony), I can't find the mechanical piece and the first repair service is 300kms away. So, as I need to print a document, I planned to do this after tomorrow and to stop at a chocolate shop on the way back. 🙀 - hot chocolate 😸 - And this habit could be decisive about the purchase of a printer or not.

What's something you're NOT looking forward to doing this week?

- I'm not looking forward to hanging out on Facebook, on Youtube, on Instagram... that's a totally lost of time. It is like a screen in front of your real life. I prefer to hang out on Journaly :D.