The Odyssey of Agnès

The Odyssey of Agnès



-" You have to introduce yourself, my little chick"

-" But I don't know what to tell them "

-" Keep it simple, stop doing in the complexity"

-" Yeah... don't you think it's only simple spirits for whom I seem to be complicated ?"

-" Agnès ! "

-" Yes, Pa ? "

-" Stay focus !"

-" focus, focus, focus, focus, focus... "

-" What are you doing, here ? "

-" I play Echo "

-" Oh you !, you'll have to stop with the myth of Narcissus! "

-" How can you not play the myth of Narcissus during a introduction? "


-" I can also explore the myth of Cronos if you prefer. "

-" no, no, no, I see you coming, I hold on to my attributes - go play somewhere else ... and give me that sickle "

-" ok "


-" She still hasn't introduced herself, Agnès, come back "

- " Nope , I'm in the somewhere else, they know my universe now "