A magical woman and her house

A magical woman and her house



Today, I would like to write about a video that I've seen yesterday.

It concerns a small report about a self-built house in cob by a woman. I like particularly this video because I find the owner as bright and full of life as her house.

She managed to create a house thinking ahead of her needs and the way she would want to live her life. The walls are made with cob and are not structural. That is why she was able to put a lot of glass blocks and not in a classical way. So, the glass blocks are all looking like diamonds and this is the reason why her house is so bright.

The walls on the first floor were filled with garbage from the surrounding area. She can't even tell how much waste is inside her walls but she made it work. Since the house is located in the forest and to not affect to the point where rain will wash away the walls, it was all about getting a very good roof. So the roof is made of wood and is very solid and the walls of the second floor are isolated.

The house is off-grid, it heats up with a wood stove. I don't remember how she obtains water. For cooking, she uses gas bottles.

But apart from these technical considerations, she managed to construct a house that makes you want to live here thanks to the light, the cozy atmosphere she created there, and the bond with nature.