Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/11: "Ready, set, go!"

Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/11: "Ready, set, go!"


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How do you usually get around your town -- by bus, by car, on foot, or something else?

I usually get around on foot. I used to ride my motorbike when I was living in Brussels. I had good memories of driving there, despite the rain or road conditions. Here, it's quite the opposite. Drivers are not very kind neither cool, needless to say. I have no pleasure to drive in Lyon.

What do you like about that mode of transportation?

I like walking and it is part of my "get in shape". What I like the most are hearing sounds that my steps create on the ground, feeling the heat of the sun, and eventually, the view. It is bewitching.

What do you not like about that mode of transportation?

The pebble in the shoe... very pénible, blistered feet, and the little itchy label.