
Pil's avatar'

speaks: Spanish

learns: French, English, Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (European), Esperanto

likes: literature

Pil's avatar'

I love composing texts in Spanish -my native tongue- with perfect orthography (spelling) and grammar, therefore I just told myself I should do it too in all of the languages I know or I'm learning! P. S. If you want to mutually help each other more directly, email me at condeolaf@live.com.mx

Recent Posts
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Today's Adventure

It's almost 12 o'clock so I'll try to finish this text before that time. Thank God, I was not [arrollado] by a car today since I was driving a bicycle in many avenues. Driving a bicycle in Mexico is
Feb 24 - 1 min. read

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Tomorrow's Exam Prep

Okay, as I have said before, I actually need to prepare for my exams. In my opinion, these exams will give my curriculum a huge boost. Even though I just could write down I speak other languages
Feb 19 - 2 min. read

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The Turkish Adventure II

Oh, Turks' capital. Beautiful place to visit, but not so nice to live in. As I had said, going to a country you have no idea about it is not a good idea. If you are relocating for laboral reasons,
Feb 18 - 3 min. read

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The Turkish Adventure I

I swore I would leave. I did. I regret it, but at the same time I don't. It happened so quickly to be able to process it internally. Going to a country I knew nothing about, in a cold and gray
Feb 17 - 3 min. read

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And Here We Are Again

I need to practice my writing. I will not give up to any opportunity life might offer me. Already being out of High School for half a year and having done an erroneous Turkish adventure, here we are
Feb 13 - 2 min. read

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Handwriting Composition

When we write by hand, we write as we think what we want to express on paper. It might be a litter bit more difficult in English since I haven't had proper exposition to the languages besides TV
Jun 6 - 1 min. read

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Je ne vais pas dire que vous ne trichiez pas, car ça serait une grosse hypocrisie. Aujourd'hui, j'ai triché à l'examen de Littérature utilisant mon portable et ma professeur l'a vu ; tout le semestre
Mar 8 - 2 min. read

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Mon premier post en la langue de Molière

« Oh là là ! » Je croyais que personne disait ça en français, jusqu'à mon amie la francophone a dit ça une fois et je me suis rendu compte que, en fait, les français disent cette expression-là.
Feb 20 - 1 min. read

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DESTROY this post II - Personal series

Here we go again, while I listen to Juan Gabriel's songs, I will write down about an aleatory topic for the next 30 minutes. The objective of this is to get a proper and coherent spontaneous writing
Feb 19 - 3 min. read

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Destroy this text - Personal series

(This series is called "Destroy this text" since I'd love to receive sorely harsh criticism on my texts in order to improve, no matter if we're talking about the pettiest mistake, I need to write a
Feb 16 - 2 min. read

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Quero o DUPLE (Certificado Universitário da Língua Portuguesa)

Como já leste, quero o Certificado Universitário da Língua Portuguesa, o que é o equivalente ao nível C2 em português (europeu). Pode ser que soe extranho, mas eu quero morar na África, especialmente
Jan 31 - 1 min. read

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My Grammatical Experiences: Spanish Class (1/2)

Perhaps one of the most important things regarding a language is the writing ability. I remember when I was just a toddler. My family has told me that I was not even able to articulate a single phase
Jan 19 - 3 min. read

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Totally random writing: FORKS

Well, perhaps I should really start writing in English. I’ve never been accustomed to do so. I maybe get a few writing mistakes but, hey! I’m just here to improve my English writing. I’ve chosen a
Jan 19 - 2 min. read

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