Today's Adventure

Today's Adventure


It's almost 12 o'clock so I'll try to finish this text before that time.

Thank God, I was not [arrollado] by a car today since I was driving a bicycle in many avenues. Driving a bicycle in Mexico is quite dangerous; that culture of respect to cyclists, and other kind of not-fuel motorized vehicles in not a reality in this country. Unlike some European countries where there are many lanes exclusively for bicycles, there is an attempt of it in these hot, tropical lands but without all the educational driving background.

A lot of people have died due to this unfortunate events when [initially wrote "where"] irresponsible drivers take advantage of its "size" or rapidness and [atropellan] cyclists. When this happens, some cyclists, concerned about their security, will put a completely white painted bicycle where the person died and commemorate the person.

I don't really feel like writing today but will do tomorrow. Thanks for all of your corrections!