Totally random writing: FORKS

Totally random writing: FORKS


Well, perhaps I should really start writing in English. I’ve never been accustomed to do so. I maybe get a few writing mistakes but, hey! I’m just here to improve my English writing. I’ve chosen a random topic and I’m going to try to use as much literary words as possible. As I've said, I’ve never been really able to write down my thoughts in English, therefore, this new life experience definitely bowls me over (I learnt this phrasal verb by studying the Cambridge’s Phrasal verb guide, lol). All in all, I kindly ask you all to DESTROY me by criticising EVERYTHING, even the pettiest error. Well – sin más preámbulo – (WITHOUT FURTHER ADO), may my writing… BEGIN!

Today’s chosen topic is literally the very first thing I saw here in my room. A fork. Literally I am going to do a text in regards (REGARD) to a fork.

Firstly, a fork is a metal object. I’ve never questioned myself about how they are made. Perhaps they are fabricated in China or even here in my country in the Americas. We utilise this metal object to feed ourselves. Maybe life would be deleterious if we hadn’t the opportunity to grab a fork, -PINCHAR- (PRICK/PIERCE/SPEAR) our food and move it all the way inside our mouths. Usually, and, according to myself, they have four –PINCHOS- (SPIKES). With all likelihood, all fork users must have wounded themselves with this lift metal thing, especially the tongue by pinchándonos (PRICKING OURSELVES). In the case that you say no, I will be winded up. Literally most food in Western countries is penetrated by a piece of metal created by who-knows-who in who-knows-where and, alongside the spoon and knife, the fork has had a notorious influence regarding the conformation of the Western world cuisine. The usage of cutlery was widespread by the European colonisers all around the world, no doubt about this, albeit someone possibly will make me question my own statements about this magnificent, marvellous literary creation I just wrote down. Thank you very much for reading. BYE.

P. S. mistakes and corrections are in CAPS.