DESTROY this post II - Personal series

DESTROY this post II - Personal series



Here we go again, while I listen to Juan Gabriel's songs, I will write down about an aleatory topic for the next 30 minutes. The objective of this is to get a proper and coherent spontaneous writing ability. Without further ado, let's begin! As I said in the last post, I won't look up any word in the dictionary. Maybe it's a bit conterproductive the fact that I'm listening to music at this very moment, but if I'm able to do it while I write my school's essays in Spanish, I *should* be able to do the same thing in English. This could require some more exigeance to my brain but I have to be able to tolerate it. Since I just mentioned my school I suppose I will write down about it. I got 19 out of 20 in my English quiz and I literally wanted to die because it was about the passive structure and albeit what I put on my quiz is technically grammatically correct, that very sentence I put in passive wasn't correct since it didn't express the same thing that was set down on the paper, which I comprehend but I wanted to die since I know how it works. English class at school is a complete imbroglio, literally. English class is the most anhelated [anheled? idk if this even exists in English lol] during the journey because the teacher is so barco (this word in Spanish expresses that the professor doesn't really care about the class and students paying attention to him/her and the chances of passing with a high note are quite big). I literally love her!!! I always joke about her being a French coloniser in a third-word country (she was born in France and her parents are French but she moved to the US when she was like 5 years old or something, so she is basically a native English speaker). She's so fun! I just desing some stupidities on the board like "SHE IS A COLONISER!" "THE TEACHER WANTS AFRICA TO BE FRENCH!" and I really don't understand how she doesn't care at all. During the aforementioned quiz, a friend sat in front of me and she literally TURNED to see what I put (I told her to do so if she wanted to) and my professor SAW all of what she did and the techer just said her name in an exclamative way, she didn't take points off, she didn't terminate the quiz, and, afterwards, my friend turned again and copy my responses. HAHAHAHA omg every time I recall all of these events I cannot avoid laughing. Sadly, for my friend's bad luck, at the beginning I put a wrong a bad answer and she copied what I put, she just finished the quiz up and left the classroom, but, since I'm kind of a tryhard in English, I checked the quiz before giving it to my teacher and could tell that answer was wrong, so I changed it but she did not since she had already given it to the docent [idk if this exists in English, but I don't know any more synonyms for "teacher" rather than professor]. I love her classes so much, I always talk to her after classes and she's very amicale, I wish all teachers at my school were lowkey like her.

Thanks for reading, fellow writer. And thanks for destroying this post in advance. BYEEEEEE!!!!!