
Mimi's avatar'

speaks: Japanese

learns: English, Chinese (Simplified)

likes: reading, language learning, language exchanges, meditation, politics, dogs

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Hi I’m Mimi. I’m writing about myself, what I love, and sometimes my worries. Hope someone likes it and gives some feedback or any comments:)

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We grew up in the same family, but we're truly different

Today, I visited my relative with my sister. I felt extremely overwhelmed by how much my sister talked. It was like a tsunami of words that never seemed to stop. This made me realize again that we
Jul 10 - 1 min. read

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The 1-Day Spiritual Detox Challenge

Recently, I participated in a challenge called "1-Day Spiritual Detox," based on the teachings of Buddhism, as described in the book The Buddhist Cleanse by Nick Keomahavong. I discovered the
May 5 - 3 min. read

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My Funny Experience at the Divine Tree

Today, I would like to talk about Goshinboku, or the divine tree, and share a funny story about my visit to one. In Japan, "Goshinboku" refers to a sacred tree that has been worshipped for centuries.
May 1 - 2 min. read

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Reflecting on Time and Technology While Preparing for the 49-Day Memorial Rite Gift.

Today, I want to talk about the 49-day memorial rite and the thoughts that have been on my mind recently regarding time and technology. While these topics may seem unrelated, this idea came to me
Apr 30 - 2 min. read

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Are people taking responsibility for their decisions? -My thoughts on the mask mandate

Today, I want to talk about a mask mandate situation in Japan. People have been wearing masks for almost three years due to the pandemic. But now, finally, the Japanese government has announced that
Apr 11 - 2 min. read

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Does Being Married Have Health Benefits?

Today, I will be discussing whether being married has health benefits. First and foremost, I don't believe that being married necessarily leads to a happier or better life. I think it's a little bit
Apr 8 - 1 min. read

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因为很久没练中文了,感觉我的中文退步了很多。就想到在这里偶尔练习一下会对我学习有帮助。 回到主题,我在想这里有没有人知道类似BBC的学习中文的平台呢?学英文时我最爱去看的是BBC网页,因为那里能学到的东西非常多,作为一个认真的学习者BBC实在是爱不释手。 BBC提供的内容很广泛。例如,新闻,专门学英文用的教材,podcast,音乐台等等等等。 所以我在想如果有人能介绍一下类似那样的中文平台,那就太
Apr 3 - 1 min. read

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How McDonald's Menus Help to Boost Profits

The other day I read some news about how McDonald's menus help boost profits. I found the article interesting, so let me share it with you all. When you visit McDonald's, you'll find the photographic
Apr 3 - 1 min. read

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Bittersweet Memory of My Stuffed Animals

Today, I'm going to talk about my experience with stuffed animals. I used to love collecting them when I was younger, and as a teenager, I spent a lot of time at arcades trying to win them by crane
Apr 2 - 1 min. read

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Italian restaurant in my neighborhood

As you may or may not know, Italian restaurants are everywhere in Japan, especially in urban areas. Chiba prefecture, where I live, is no exception. There are different kinds of restaurants ranging
Oct 22 - 2 min. read

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Would you agree that the multi-billion-dollar health and fitness industry isn't creating healthier people?

Here, I'm writing my answer to a question asked in my English textbook. Basically, I agree that the multi-billion-dollar health and fitness industry isn't creating healthier people. Why? Because I
Oct 16 - 1 min. read

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A little trick to utilize online translation

It might sound a bit ironic, but I recently realized that the higher your language skills, the better you will be able to use online translation. It’s obvious that you need machine translation more
Apr 19 - 1 min. read

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Why we don’t have rice noodles in Japan

I realized many countries where people eat rice as staple food have rice noodles, but we don’t have it in Japan, and I’m wondering why. There are thin ones and thick ones, and there are various
Apr 14 - 1 min. read

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Can you smell the seasons?

Different seasons have different smells, and I can smell the seasons’ change. I don’t know how to describe this kind of sense, but I often smell something that is very unique to the specific season
Apr 8 - 1 min. read

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A fight against discrimination

I’m not so sure if I can call this discrimination, but I felt that I was discriminated against. I visited the US this January, and it was my very first trip to the States. And It happened at the
Apr 7 - 1 min. read

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I’m not good with numbers and not good at communicating with people, but still working as a sales person!

Life is always unpredictable and full of unknowns , and that’s why life is so much fun! As the title of this essay suggests, I’m working as a salesperson even though I’m not good with numbers and not
Apr 5 - 1 min. read

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I’m 42, and still figuring out what I’m supposed to do.

The fact that I’m still finding out where I belong sometimes makes me happy and sometimes not. Oftentimes it feels like I have lots of goals, dreams, and things to achieve and my life will never be
Apr 3 - 1 min. read

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The most difficult language in the world?

Many people tend to have an idea that their own language is the most difficult among all languages, and based on my observation, people who have not learned a foreign language are more likely to
Mar 31 - 1 min. read

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What is lunchtime like in your country?

I guess different countries have different styles of lunchtime. In Japan, office workers often spend their lunchtime in two main ways. First, eating out with colleagues, second, buying or bringing
Mar 30 - 1 min. read

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interesting story about camels which my Egyptian friend told me

As a Japanese, it’s rare to become friends with someone from Egypt. And I am a lucky person. He’s my friend and also my English teacher. During the last class, he talked about camels and it was such
Mar 29 - 1 min. read

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