The fact that I’m still finding out where I belong sometimes makes me happy and sometimes not.
Oftentimes it feels like I have lots of goals, dreams, and things to achieve and my life will never be boring, and full of adventure.
However, sometimes I feel exhausted and want to give up everything that I’m trying to do, especially when I’m feeling a bit under the weather.
In Japan, and probably in many other countries, it seems most people start to settle down in their 30s at the latest.
But the sense that I’m not supposed to be here always makes me work harder and think deeper, and I haven’t even had time to enjoy my life for so many years. Since I’m always feeling I still haven’t gotten to the point where I’m supposed to be, I’m more likely to say to myself, “Not yet, not yet. It’s too early to enjoy.”
Does my way of thinking sound strange? I would like to know if there is someone who thinks like me.
Hi Mimi, I think you are very normal! I am 46 and have similar thoughts. But now I try not to compare myself to others, and see every day as an opportunity to learn. For me there is no "point where I'm supposed to be", other than in the present moment. I recommend the work of Eckhart Tolle, he's a spiritual teacher who gives a lot of guidance and insight into how we can view the world in order to manage our lives with acceptance and calmness. I just watch his free content on YouTube :-)
Hi Rachel , thanks for your comments. I’m happy to know there’s someone who thinks the same way. The video seems interesting. I’ll check it out later! Thank you again.
Hi Mimi, what others do at what age is only statistics. It says nothing about what is good for you. You can be on your way for howlong you want, I mean it is your life. It just would be great if at the same time you could enjoy the travel. (It's never too early to enjoy something :) )
Hi CloudyDe, Yes, you’re right. It’s my life and I’m supposed to do whatever I want to do. It’s just really hard to keep a balance between work, life, family, and love, though. Thank you for your kind words!