A fight against discrimination

A fight against discrimination


daily life
international relations

I’m not so sure if I can call this discrimination, but I felt that I was discriminated against.

I visited the US this January, and it was my very first trip to the States.

And It happened at the immigration. The officer asked me, “What brought you here? Why now?”, I answered, “ Business trip, I wanted to come here earlier this year, but I couldn’t because of the coronavirus.” , and then he said to me, “ Oh, I know it’s China virus not coronavirus.” I was stunned. I’m not a Chinese person, but what he said to me made me feel so uncomfortable and upset, because I felt that he had chosen that particular word intentionally.

On top of that, his attitude was very rude. He spoke to me very loudly, and he threw back my Passport when he gave it back to me. He asked me tons of questions and it took me a very long time to get through immigration.

With all of that said, I’m not here to blame him. I believe that all prejudice and discrimination come from ignorance. If we can understand each other better, these problems will be resolved someday.

So this is one of my reasons for learning foreign languages. I hope I could do something to connect people by using my language skills, and make the world a better place for everyone to live.