Crowd Story #1

Crowd Story #1


language learning

I have been thinking recently about the way I use language learning websites and came up with an idea for a language learning project.

The idea is that we all write a short story containing the same three words, either in our native or our target language. I really enjoy how this kind of project both creates a community as well as shows off everyone's creativity.

There are two options (you can do both if you like).

Native Language Story

  • write in your native language
  • use language appropriate for an intermediate learner
  • if you use more complex vocabulary use Journaly's comment feature to give a translation or explanation (if you save your post as draft first you can then add comments to specific words and publish it afterwards)

The goal is to create some comprehensible input (especially helpful for languages for which graded readers are not easily available).

Target Language Story

  • write in your target language

The Rules

  • use all of the three random words (of course in the language you are writing in)
  • use a maximum of 1000 words in total (less is totally fine)
  • publish your story on Journaly by November 30th
  • put a link to your story in the comments of this post
  • don't worry about the literary qualities of your text; the goal is to have fun, learn something and help other learners

Prompt #1

Write a story containing the words

  • vehicle
  • guest
  • king

(generated by

Do you want to join? :)