
marta's avatar'

speaks: Polish

learns: English

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Sample sentences #1

I have to talk in order to apprehend my thoughts  I am scarcely reading books  do you know where is a toboggan?  My memories of that time are vague.  The weather men said it will hail today
Feb 19 - 1 min. read

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E-learning prons and cons

These days, it is more common for academic instituctions to offer remote education, called e-learning. Let's deliberate advatnages and disdvantages of this solution for a worker. To begin with cons.
May 8 - 1 min. read

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Are theaters cool enough ?

Have you ever been in theatre? If you have I hope you had an amazing experience. As teenager I am convinced that theaters can still be attractive for younger generations. According to my observation,
Feb 28 - 2 min. read

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dogs and companies

I am going to confront with a topic that is not the front page material but I believe that it may be quite interesting. The topic of the week is : "Taking a dog to work good or bad idea". Do dogs
Feb 21 - 2 min. read

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I was about to write a post for practice, but I didn’t want to write an exam-like post. I was thinking about the topic when i smelled scent of a meal that my father was preparing (for the record,
Jan 31 - 2 min. read

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Household duties bonding or destructive for family life

It is believed that children from the youngest age should take part in fulfilling household duties. This may seem obvious but it is not, I think that it needs a fresh look. How are you recollecting
Jan 22 - 2 min. read

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Advantages and disadvantages of teleworking

These days more and more people are working from home due to technological development. It is scarcely possible to not know about coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 force some part of world population to
Jan 10 - 2 min. read

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