Advantages and disadvantages of teleworking

Advantages and disadvantages of teleworking


daily life
time management

These days more and more people are working from home due to technological development. It is scarcely possible to not know about coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 force some part of world population to work from home. But let's assume that telework is a choice and try to deliberate its advantages and disadvantages. What is your experience with working from home? Do you see more advantages or disadvantages?

To begin with prons. Extra leisure time is being given to us because we do not have to worry about commuting. There is also no need to take extra time to do our hair and make up- no one is going to see as anyway. We can use this extra time to get more sleep. If there is one topic that experts have unanimously agreed upon, it must be our desperate need for getting enough sleep.

Secondly our efficiency is also being escalated (at least if we do not have kids running around). There is no one who could possibly distract us, the situation differ in work where we are around people. People among whom is always a talkative and sometimes annoying colleague, who we have to deal with everyday.

What is more (and I believe it is the most convincing argument) we have a possibility to travel while working. Our place of work is not longer a limit, and we can fulfil our dreams. We have a possibility to replace an uncomfortable chair to a sunbed in sunny Dominikana. There are options, teleworking can give the feeling that you are in charge of your own life.

On the other hand we can not forget about disadvantages. Overworking ourselves is easy while working from home. Lack of the border between place of work and rest, may lead to workaholizm. On the other side of the spectrum we can be tempted to procrastinate because of the same reason. It depends on ones character and abilities to manage time.

Moreover one should not forget work is also place where people interact with each other. Social interaction is crucial for our well-being, lack of it for a long period of time may cause mental illness like depression.

It would be also interesting to look at the problem from the other angle. For the sake of the argument, let's look at it from the employer point of view. Telecommuting is inconvenient for the employer because it is not bonding an employee to the company. Employee is not so committed. It is easier to resign when you do not know the faces of your boss and colleagues.

To sum up, problem of teleworking is very personal. It depends on the character, familii situation and a lot more. In my personal opinion virtual work is giving freedom and possibilities that office can not.