Household duties bonding or destructive for family life

Household duties bonding or destructive for family life


daily life

It is believed that children from the youngest age should take part in fulfilling household duties. This may seem obvious but it is not, I think that it needs a fresh look. How are you recollecting your childhood , fulfilling household duties was a nightmare or maybe you liked it ?

To begin with the cons, having household chores from the youngest age may cause a delays in school. Adults should not forget how it is to be a teenager. This is the time when the feeling of overwhelming chaos is constant. Being in a new environment, experiencing new situations (like meeting first love ),meeting new people and having to understand effective rules is an everyday situation for an adolescent. When we add compulsory chores with dictatorial character of a parent it maybe to much. This situation can cause delays in school or if the child is more ambitious health problems like insomnia.

Secondly, when the child starts to grow up, parents should changed their approach. If parents are going to enforce their will on teenager, it will activate non-stoping path of disagreement. Constant situation of disagreement can lead to a lack of trust and parting of the ways in future.

On the other hand we can not forget about upsides. Taking part in fulfilling household duties is needed to develop important skills, like setting oven, using washing machine and how to properly iron etc. Beyond that, having household duties from the youngest age may help with character education. Stats shows that children who had household duties are doing better in their future life. As adults are characterized as resourceful and successful.

Moreover, when chores are distribute fairly between family members, it may strengthen this family relationships. When the family is doing household duties together, it is posible to build healthy bond. It is very comforting to know that there are some friendly faces in the world that you can fall back on.

All things considered, unloading household duties on child must be done responsibly. In my opinion there are more upsides than downsides