E-learning prons and cons

E-learning prons and cons


These days, it is more common for academic instituctions to offer remote education, called e-learning. Let's deliberate advatnages and disdvantages of this solution for a worker.

To begin with cons. Wide and easy availability of e-learning has it's ramifications like, for instance huge pressure on employee. We can not forget about older workers, who are not internet "natives". For them remote education may be very stressfull experiance. Secondary, if an employee has familly,it will be hard to organise time to get more education. Possibility of losing a job may force some of them to attend online lectures. Lack of parents will be very influential on children futrue life. Moreover long hours in front of computer screen have demaging effect on health. Not only do eyes get weaker but also spine will hurt more.

On the other hand e-learning has a lot of benefits. It is the most time saving and comfortable option possible for workers. There is no need to commute to school or to get ready in the morning. Futermore it is giving an oportunity for self-developmet while still working. It is possible to get promotion or to get qualification needed for completly diffrent job. It is said that changing a job often, prevents burnout.

Taking everything under consideration e-learing is a very personal case. I belive that it is not as beneficial for an older workers as it is for a younger ones. Personally I am more likey to see it's advantages than disadvantages.