Are theaters cool enough ?

Are theaters cool enough ?




Have you ever been in theatre? If you have I hope you had an amazing experience. As teenager I am convinced that theaters can still be attractive for younger generations. According to my observation, some of them need little help to draw young people attention. Especially in smaller towns or in countryside. I am filled with opinions and I am more than happy to share it with you.

First of all the program... It all depends on the program. If it is interesting, bold and full of fresh or refreshed ideas, young people will appreciate it (I can guarantee) . Unfortunately there are a lot of theaters that are playing the same all over again without any changes.

Moreover masterpieces need to be changed, so that they continue to be watched and to remain in the mainstream. I believe that their authors would not be angry if they had known. In the end all they wanted was to remain shocking and original. Also thanks to some slight changings in the script the massage that they wanted to tell can be understand even after 100 year. Arousing interest is the key to full audience.

Secondly the promotion of a cultural event is crucial to succeed. I would recommend an eye-catching art commercial. It may be helpful to advertise the event in social media. I am sure if well promote the teenagers will be interested. Nowadays young adults are open to new experiences.

On the other hand I am aware about limited budget and small, neglected theatre buildings. Lack of colors and luxurious accommodation can discourage some people. Elderly people that lived commune may be more tolerant to spartan looking interiors than teenagers.

To sum up, I strong believe that teenagers are open to culture events and a lot of them love art, if only surroundings is pleasant enough.