dogs and companies

dogs and companies


I am going to confront with a topic that is not the front page material but I believe that it may be quite interesting. The topic of the week is : "Taking a dog to work good or bad idea". Do dogs and companies come together ?

First things first, we have to keep in mind that dogs are not quiet creatures. Not only are they making noises like scratching or barking, but also they may smell in not a very pleasant way. There is another stinky thing that is unavoidable and may happened even to the most distinguished dog; you all know what I mean...

Moreover, it is quite possible that in the firm is someone who is allergic to dogs. Imagine, having the cause of your allergy around for 8 hours! It must be a horrific experience.

All of this can influence on staff and their efficiency and comfort of work.

On the other hand if the firm provide space and crucial stuff for the dog or dogs, it may bring lots of advantages.

Animals often bring people closer. The dog can strengthen the bonds between workers and make them leave the legal language behind the door. The atmosphere can change to more family-like.

Furthermore, when the company policy allows the owner to bring the dog, it can minimalize the problem of providing care for it. Actually short distance walks with a dog are improving efficiency of the employee and reducing possibility of burnout in the future. It is beneficial for the employee as well as for the employer.

I hope that when kept apart allergic people will not have a problem with dogs.

All things considered I believe that there are advantages as well as disadvantages. Everything depends on a organization and relation between workers. Personally, I would be thrilled if i had a possibility to bring my puppy to the firm.