
eugen_blick's avatar'

speaks: Spanish

learns: French, English, German, Italian

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A Short Translation from Una excursión a los indios ranqueles (A Visit to the Ranquel Indians)

At 25, we are the prey to much silly ceremony. Lacking white gloves as cool as a lettuce, is a severe setback, and can be the cause for the handsomest lad to not marrying. Not a few are those who
Sep 17 - 2 min. read

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A Few Idioms: To Stop Short

Today I think I learnt what stopping short means. You know, I came across this reel on Facebook with an excerpt of Seinfeld. It shows a scene where George's father is furious with Kramer and wants to
Sep 14 - 1 min. read

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Declassified Files Reveal First Landing on the Moon Took Place Before Commonly Attested

Not many people know that back in the 1960's The Beatles were invited by NASA to land on the Moon. In 1966--that is, a few years before Armstrong and Aldrin's momentous feat--Wernher von Braun
Sep 10 - 1 min. read

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Reading Sabato

A few days ago, lostintranslation's posts about El túnel worked as a spur for my reading the novel again. The thing is that rereading literature that for some reason or other was important to you
Sep 3 - 1 min. read

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The "Uncanny Valley"

Do you find AI as uncanny as I do? Not always, but many times, I can't help but to feel a shiver when confronted --mostly on the net, of course-- with images of synthesis that seem to be getting more
Aug 24 - 1 min. read

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The Child-Minotaur

When the tent is full, the man orders the child-minotaur to stand up. He gets up from his chair and stares at the crowd inside the tent for the first time. He looks over us, forced to turn the head
Aug 11 - 2 min. read

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Star Wars Is a One-Way Trip

I just saw a Tik Tok video on Twitter that looks like an extract from an interview with Harrison Ford a few years ago. I assume the interview is coming to an end, and the host is asking Ford whether
Aug 1 - 1 min. read

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Welcher Artikel? Ein Würfelwurf niemals tilgt den Zufall

Ich habe dieses Bild kürzlich auf dem Internet getroffen, und darauf habe ich mich an das berühmte Zitat von Mallarmé, das im Titel steht, erinnert. Ich bin nicht sicher ob dieses Gerät um Deutsch
Jul 20 - 1 min. read

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A New Verb and a New Approach to Language Learning

Today I learned the verb 'to silo' existed, by coming upon its derived adjective 'siloed'. I know what a 'silo' is, since I live in a Spanish-speaking country whose economy depends on a strong
Jul 10 - 2 min. read

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Some Tango Lyrics

Jun 24 - 2 min. read

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The Failed Post

For a few days I've been planning to make some comments on a ritual that has become quite popular lately--these makeshift funerals you sometimes spot at the seaside, people dispersing the ashes of
Jun 22 - 1 min. read

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Life Among Trees (A Short Translation)

Julián entertains the girl with "The Private Life of Trees," a series of tales he's made up to put her to sleep. The main characters in the tales are a poplar tree and a baobab--at night, when no one
Jun 9 - 2 min. read

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A Short Translation (II)

In nature, Nelly said, there are things that exceed any proportion—things that cannot be set side by side with each other, that don't conform to any measure whatsoever, since they lie outside the
May 16 - 1 min. read

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A Short Translation

Ehrenfest would firmly align on the side of these new insights, but even if he didn't oppose--as his friend Einstein did--the revolutionary principles Bohr, Heisenberg, Dirac and Born were bringing
May 15 - 1 min. read

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Due studenti alla manifestazione

- Ciao, Vittorio! Non sapevo che vedresti alla manifestazione! - Ciao, Chiara! Che sorpresa trovarti qui! Ma, pensandoci bene, era pure logico che tu ci vedresti. - Tu invece mi ricordo che dicevi
Apr 24 - 1 min. read

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The Chair (III)

One month after the fire, after a few days of enduring a sore back, Samuel finally caught the bus and went to the city. He thought he had seen a second-hand shop near the railway station--he even had
Apr 21 - 1 min. read

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L'uomo di Tollund

Avete mai sentito parlare dell'uomo di Tollund? Io ho saputo di lui quando ero bambino. Mi ricordo che è accaduto una sera in cui mio nonno era ricoverato in ospedale. Siamo andati a trovarlo, mia
Apr 12 - 1 min. read

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The Chair (2)

This man--Sami Birwala, if Samuel rightly recollected his name after so long--would refuse the chair that Samuel's father offered him with a kind gesture every time, and just sit on the carpet like a
Apr 10 - 1 min. read

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The Chair

Samuel needed a chair. He needed it badly, since his small cottage in the woods had caught fire and most of the furniture had got lost or was damaged beyond repair -- among it, the only four chairs
Apr 7 - 1 min. read

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The End of the Road

This morning, I learnt that John Barth passed away yesterday. Not that I knew much about this writer, but I always remember The End of the Road, a novel with many black comedy streaks that made a
Apr 3 - 1 min. read

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