Retirement Ceremony for the "Machine" in Japan

Retirement Ceremony for the "Machine" in Japan


daily life
intercultural communication

I just spotted this on Twitter. Not sure how common this is in Japan, but this short video shows a farewell ceremony they give to a machine about to be retired after years of service at a factory. The whole thing baffled me at first, but then I recalled it was common in Europe to personalize inanimate objects—Medieval Age swords, for instance, being the first thing that comes to mind, but I think this was also the case with tools in certain pre-modern crafts and trades. However, I think in the West this sort of practices have fallen into disuse in recent centuries. Was it Christianity (more precisely the Reformation)? Capitalism? I guess I'm more for the latter, considering the reputed estrangement of the factory worker from his work, and consequently from the tools and machines it involves. Should we assume Capitalism in Japan has taken a wholly new form, one of its characteristics being this particular—personal, so to speak—relationship with the machine? Down on the thread, someone refers to Shintoism. Could it be capitalism with a Shintoist backdrop—instead of a Christian-Protestant one—would serve as a possible explanation?

What do you think?