Higor Pereira Araujo

Higor Pereira Araujo's avatar'

speaks: Portuguese (Brazilian)

learns: English, Japanese

likes: reading, fiction, education, language learning, cinema, filmmaking, design, exercise, creativity, cognitive science, adventure, video games, daily life

Higor Pereira Araujo's avatar'

I look forward to learning Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, French, and German.

Recent Posts
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The arduous path of growth and well being.

Today wasn't as good as I would like. I overslept, I kept hitting the snooze button because I didn't want to deal with my unmanageable life. I'm really rigid, disciplined, and ambitious, but
Jun 14 - 1 min. read

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Mental torture chamber

God, today has been a nightmare. While working, my mind started an endless cycle of negative thoughts, it's a combination of overthinking with feeling completely worthless. My mind keeps focusing on
Jun 12 - 1 min. read

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06/09/23: Am I a bitch or a disciplined guy?

You know that feeling when you sleep and wake up feeling more tired than before going to bed? So, that's how I felt this morning, and it feels horrible. When I was working on my side hustle, I got
Jun 10 - 1 min. read

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Today was nice, I studied a lot, worked on my side hustle, and had a class with an American English teacher. His classes are very unique because they're about mental health and self-development,
Jun 8 - 1 min. read

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06/07/2023: I took the wrong bus, lol.

So, my morning was awesome because I did all of my morning habits: Pray + visualization + affirmations;Study Japanese for one hour;Practice copywriting for thirty minutes;Workout + take a cold shower
Jun 8 - 1 min. read

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06/06/23: Japanese immersion and new goal for my English.

So, today I studied Japanese for one hour and forty minutes and listened to Japanese for three hours and thirty minutes. I also listened to my favorite English language podcast called "Smartless".
Jun 7 - 1 min. read

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Understanding 90% of most movies and songs in a foreign language, is that EVEN POSSIBLE ?

Understanding 90% of most movies and songs in a foreign language, is that EVEN POSSIBLE? Guys, I've been thinking about that for years. My English is very good, but I'm still insecure because I
Jun 6 - 1 min. read

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06/04/2023: Awesome day!

I woke up at 5:30 am, and followed my morning routine: 1. Breakfast. 2. Correct my posts on Journaly. 3. Study Japanese for an hour. 4. Study digital marketing. 5. Practice copywriting. 6. Exercise
Jun 5 - 1 min. read

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06/03/2023: Emotional rollercoaster

Today has been difficult emotionally, as usual. In the morning I simply skipped my workout, which is terrible because I didn't work out this week at all. But at my job, I was joyful and excited. And
Jun 3 - 1 min. read

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06/02/2023: Hardship and effort.

So, today I woke up at 4:50 am as usual, but after studying Japanese for one hour, which I half-assed, I was supposed to study marketing and work out, but then I just went back to bed. My alarm
Jun 3 - 1 min. read

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06/01/2023: Accountability

I relapsed today. What boundaries did I cross? Well, I didn't sleep well.I didn't drink enough water. My blockers were turned off on my phone. What lacked in self-care? I didn't sleep well.I ate junk
Jun 2 - 1 min. read

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06/01/2023: I WON'T GIVE IN !

I've been thinking about quitting for some time, quitting digital marketing, and going to college. I wouldn't be depressed about that if I made it as a diplomat. But, today I was on a call with a
Jun 2 - 1 min. read

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Should I Quit On One Of My Dreams?

I was having a conversation with a successful entrepreneur about business, and we talked a little bit about my journey: basically, I started at Digital Marketing about four years ago, failed, failed,
May 31 - 1 min. read

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Trying to go through my overthinking.

Hi, guys. I have several physical journals, and I always write as a coping skill to deal with my mental health problems. So, I was just talking with an entrepreneur, and he asked me to explain to him
May 31 - 1 min. read

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