06/02/2023: Hardship and effort.

06/02/2023: Hardship and effort.


daily life

So, today I woke up at 4:50 am as usual, but after studying Japanese for one hour, which I half-assed, I was supposed to study marketing and work out, but then I just went back to bed. My alarm didn't go off, so I arrived at my job 40 minutes late. And, to make matters worse, I forgot my uniform, and then I had to go back home to retrieve my outfit and go to my job again. It was super embarrassing and annoying. I was also dealing with fatigue, headaches, and mental confusion; it was a nightmare.

I've been relapsing very frequently recently, and I'm just so mentally exhausted from trying to quit my addiction that I just feel like quitting. But this is not an option, so I have to bite the bullet and keep trying hard!

And after my shift, I just studied and practiced copywriting. I should've created some ads, but I didn't, because I wasn't disciplined enough and because at this point I had stopped caring about anything anymore.

Headline image by jvinals on Unsplash