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learns: English

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I'm not able to have a conversation...maybe also in my native language...maybe I lack communication skills...Sorry, I'm just venting...I don't really believe what I'm writing...but every time I try
Sep 7 - 3 min. read

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A 19-year-old washing machine

Last week I had to replace the washing machine because the old one didn't work anymore. The old model was an Electrolux Rex Jetsy with these specifications: load capacity: 6 kgs.maximum spin speed:
Feb 20 - 3 min. read

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A land between water and fire (part 2 - history)

....continues from part 1 Bacoli is full of ancient Greek and Roman's testimonies, along with other subsequent landmarks left by the Aragon Kingdom's supremacy and by the Borbone Royal Family's
Feb 13 - 4 min. read

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A land between water and fire (part 1)

My husband was born in a village by the sea near the city of Naples. It's not located on the famous Amalfi Coast, which is on the south side of Naples in front of Capri Island, but it's a peninsula
Feb 13 - 3 min. read

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The river, the Sanctuary and the cooking

I live on the 3rd floor and today I can see the "Reno" River from my windows. (I'm not referring to the Middle Europe "Rhine" River - in Italian called "Reno" as well, but to the smaller one located
Jan 24 - 4 min. read

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Economic issues and other troubles

Recently I've been busy with some paperwork I had to send to my tax accountant because she did something wrong with my 2019 tax return. I'm quite angry with her. I'm over 40 and, for the first 3
Jan 23 - 2 min. read

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Many of you won't believe this, but what I fear the most in my life is a creature that is a symbol of innocence, freedom and joy. As you might know, what distinguishes a phobia from the other common
Jan 6 - 3 min. read

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lower back pain

MAYBE I'm older than most of you readers (probably: I'm 43).... MAYBE it's my lifestyle...I've been working hard since I was 16 (I was still attending school when I started to work, helping my
Jan 4 - 1 min. read

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a "positive" TV series

I was watching some videos about "the great reset"after covid-19 and the possible bad consequences of the crisis. Those dystopian scenarios made me anxious...so I decided to watch something more
Jan 3 - 2 min. read

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Processing salmon

I learned about this website yesterday morning (happy 2021 to everyone!!!) and I haven't had enough time to write down a few lines yet! I was tired because I finished my working shift at 6 p.m. on
Jan 2 - 3 min. read

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