a "positive" TV series

a "positive" TV series


tv shows

I was watching some videos about "the great reset"after covid-19 and the possible bad consequences of the crisis. Those dystopian scenarios made me anxious...so I decided to watch something more lighthearted.

To tell the truth, it's a drama as well, and not a comedy...and it's a TV series, not a TV show..but I consider this series as "joyful", due to the positive messages it conveys. It's true that you can't watch the series without some tissues at your fingertips, because it makes you cry, but it's also true that, when the episode ends, you're always in a good mood.

If you are wondering what series I'm talking about..."THIS IS US" is the answer.

If you've never watched it, you have to know that its 5th season is aired recentely (at least in the US and here in Italy) and it's about the story of an American family, the Pearsons!

The father, Jack, passed away years ago when the children were 17, the mother, Rebecca, is dealing with the first signs of Alzheimer's desease.

The siblings are Kevin, Kate and Randall, all 40 years old (two twins and a foster child born the same day).

Kevin is waiting for two twins conceived on a one-night-stand, back then they (the parents) decided to carry the pregnancy and raise the children together even if they were not a couple, but now he's getting closer to the future mom: they're getting engaged.

Kate and her husband are going to foster a child, they're happily married and have a first-born child, who is blind.

Randall is an Afro American and was adopted by the couple Rebecca/Jack, he grew up in the 80s among white people with anxiety issues and a real dedication to his scholar then work duties, he has a great family and a brilliant career, now he's still a bit fragile sometimes, but he has become a wise man.

The series takes place in the present (where the three brothers' age goes from 37 to 40, from season 1 to 5), in the past (through flashbacks we can see the family's past, the love story between Rebecca and Jack, the childhood of the "big three", as the parents used to call the children), and in the future (using flashforwards).

The director wisely uses these tools (flashbacks and flashforwards) and gives the fans authentic heartbreaking moments.

News for people maybe interested in both this series and in learning Italian language: some authors and screenwriters are planning an Italian version!